Best natural stomach protectors

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Many people suffer from heartburn, reflux and even other gastrointestinal problems. One way they deal with all of this is to take medications that protect their stomach , such as omeprazole .
However, the regular intake of this and other similar drugs can have negative consequences for the body . We are referring to situations such as infections, kidney damage or even osteoporosis, among other things.
So, to alleviate these gastrointestinal disorders, the best thing to do is to rely on the use of one of the best natural stomach protectors . Of course, because these do not bring with them any side effects. In this way, heartburn or reflux will be relieved without damaging other parts of the body.
Don't know what the best natural options are in this regard? Don't worry, we'll reveal them to you below.
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The best natural gastric protectors
It is true that there are several types of natural stomach protectors that are very effective. However, it is no less true that among all of them, the following stand out in particular:
1.Gut Day
The first alternative protector to drugs that guarantees great results is this supplement from Be Levels , which has been made with a total of 14 natural ingredients . Among them we can highlight the dry extract of ginger root, L-glutamine, licorice stem and turmeric.
It is suitable for vegans , does not contain gluten and is a great ally to improve intestinal health . This is because it prevents heaviness, reflux, gas, bloating, acidity and even helps fight constipation. Not to mention that it also gives energy and vitality.
This natural gastric protector is available in powder form, which can be diluted in water or juice. You should take about 10 grams daily, just before your main meals.
Discover everything Gut Day has to offer.
2. Baking soda
It should also be noted that for years many people have been using this other product as an alternative to omeprazole. They do so because it is a natural antacid. It is taken by mixing a little of it in a glass of water after a meal.
However, it is not recommended that those who suffer from high blood pressure opt for this alternative, and it is also not advisable to take it more than once a day.
3. Chamomile infusion
This drink is also another great option to protect the stomach from different disorders. In particular, it is an unbeatable ally against acidity, without forgetting that it also improves the gastric mucosa.
It is considered best to drink it warm before meals.
4.Fresh cabbage juice
In this list of the best natural stomach protectors, we could not fail to include this juice, which, although it may seem strange and unknown to you, is very good for the problem we are addressing. This is because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach every morning.
5. Apple
In addition to being a delicious and healthy fruit, it helps fight against the most common stomach disorders. It does so because it has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and even because it has a high percentage of fiber. That is why it is really useful for dealing with acidity and even for improving intestinal transit.
Therefore, it is advisable to include it in the diet and eat it daily.
6.Ginger root
Another great natural alternative is this one, since what it does is protect the stomach wall by covering it with a kind of gel. The best way to take it is as an infusion.
7. Apple cider vinegar
We will conclude this list of the best stomach protectors with this product, which can be taken by adding a small splash of it to a glass of water. Exactly, the ideal is to drink it before meals, although it can also be used to season dishes, such as salads.
What it does is promote good digestion and combat reflux.
Watermelon juice, Greek yogurt, aloe vera juice and even cumin are other of the best natural gastric protectors that can also be used.
More tips to protect your stomach
If you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux or any other stomach disorder, it is vital that you opt for the natural protectors mentioned above, as they will be of great help to you. But these will work even better if you also carry out a series of other recommendations that will ensure your well-being. We are referring to recommendations such as these:
- Take good care of your diet , making sure it is healthy, complete and balanced. In fact, it is advisable to include both fresh and raw fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
- Avoid heavy meals , especially dinners, and, as far as you can, leave aside fried foods, processed dishes and spicy foods, as they are quite harmful to the stomach. In particular, they irritate it and cause poor digestion.
- Exercise moderately and regularly , because this will help strengthen the immune system.