Digestión pesada y larga: ¿a qué se debe?

Heavy and long digestion: what causes it?

Phil Hugo

Heavy and long digestion is common , especially during times of excess such as holidays, celebrations or Christmas, which appears due to having eaten...

¿Cómo hacer la digestión más rápido?

How to make digestion faster?

Phil Hugo

Poor digestion can be really annoying , especially if it is accompanied by heartburn, stomach pain and other common symptoms that show that our...

Mejores enzimas digestivas

The best natural digestive enzymes

Phil Hugo

Digestive enzymes are proteins that are essential for the proper digestion of food . They help break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into smaller...

Qué tomar para hacer bien la digestión

What to take to aid digestion

Phil Hugo

There are few sensations more annoying than heavy digestion , especially at night, since poor digestion can greatly affect our rest, making it much...

Mejores protectores de estómago naturales

Best natural stomach protectors

Rocio Periz

Many people suffer from heartburn, reflux and even other gastrointestinal problems. One way they deal with all of this is to take medications that...

¿Qué hay detrás de las mejores barritas Keto del mercado?

What is behind the best Keto bars on the market?

Leticia Bustos

If you have also asked yourself this question... Our Co-CEOs tell us where the idea came from and why they have opted for these flavors. Do not miss the interview!