#13 – Infertility of unknown origin
Today we speak with Toñi, director and founder of the ONÊT clinic. Biologist, expert in reproductive medicine, with extensive academic training in Mindfulness, psychoneuroimmunology...
#12 – The best alternatives to avoid abdominal distension
In today's podcast we talk about the causes of abdominal bloating and possible resources to avoid it. We talk about: Causes. How to proceed....
#11 – Health consciousness and common sense - Final
Second and final chapter in which we speak with Phil Hugo, pharmacist and personal trainer, popularizer and author of several courses specialized in nutrition,...
#11 – Salud con-ciencia y sentido común - Primera parte
En el podcast de hoy hablamos con Phil Hugo, farmacéutico y entrenador personal, divulgador y autor de varios cursos especializado en nutrición, entrenamiento y...
#10 – What you should know before following a ketogenic diet
In today's podcast we talk about the ketogenic diet, the starting point and the goals we want to achieve. Various conditions must be taken...
#9 – Fertility recognition methods
In today's podcast we talk with Judit León, instructor of the symptothermal method and doula in menstrual cycle and fertility. We talk about: What...