#38 – Microbiota and food intolerances

Rocío Périz with Mariana Aróstegui

In today's chapter, we delve into the universe of the Microbiota and food intolerances, a pathology that many people suffer without being aware of,...

CHAPTER #37 Burnout and the art of saying no

Rocío Périz with Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago

In today's episode, we speak with Jaime Rodriguez de Santiago, CEO of FreeNow, former CEO of BlaBlaCar, and author of the Kaizen podcast. Jaime...

#36 What movement can teach you for a better life

Rocío Périz with Marco Mazzuka

Toxics and detoxification, What movement can teach you to have a better life.

#34-Naprotechnology: Science that is revolutionizing the world of women's health and fertility

Rocío Périz with Álvaro Ortega

For many people, being parents is a dream with a journey that is not entirely easy, which is why today we wanted to give...

#33 – Health and personal finances

Rocío Périz with Natalia de Santiago

In this podcast we talk with Natalia de Santiago, an expert in personal finance, about the close link that exists between our Health and...

#32 – Repeat abortions and implantation failures

Rocío Périz with Enrique Esteve Valverde

Pregnancy is a very special moment, however, it is also a process that constantly challenges the dogmas of immunology, after all, the mother coexists...