#32 – Repeat abortions and implantation failures

Rocio Periz with Enrique Esteve Valverde

Pregnancy is a very special moment, however, it is also a process that constantly challenges the dogmas of immunology, after all, the mother coexists for nine months with a being different from her, doing an exercise in immunotolerance towards what new and external and, therefore, constantly challenging the immune system and its functions: tolerating what is one's own and rejecting what is foreign.

In today's chapter, we talk about reproductive immunology with reproductive immunology specialist, Dr. Enrique Esteve.

Some of the topics we cover are:

  • What is reproductive immunology and in which cases to resort to it.
  • Embryo implantation and its complications.
  • How celiac disease and hypothyroidism affect fertility.
  • Main causes of recurrent abortions, can we do something to prevent them?

Enrique Esteve Valverde

Internist with a specialty in autoimmune diseases and reproductive immunology in Barcelona with more than a decade of professional experience. He is an expert in reproductive immunology, recurrent abortions, implantation failure, autoimmune and systemic diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatological diseases or post-COVID syndrome.

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia, in the last year of his training he completed a training stage at the University of Rennes. He obtained the specialty in Internal Medicine via MIR, and later obtained the title of Doctor of Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Currently, he works as a specialist at the Institute of Clinical and Reproductive Immunology, together with Dr. Jaume Alijotas. In addition, he also works at the Madrid Fertility Institute, in Althaia, Xarxa Assitencial Universitària de Manresa and as a researcher at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.