How our fertility supplement was born
Be Levels

Estimated read time: 3,9 minutes.
Many times you ask us how the idea of creating a new product came about, what reasons are behind each benefit or what are the reasons that lead us to choose some ingredients and not others. Well, today we want to tell you how we are making these decisions through our most special supplement: Fertility Formula . Special both for the field in which it operates, integral fertility , and for the involvement that Toñi González , integrative embryologist and director of Onêt - Atelier del Bienestar , has had in its formulation. Antonia has been helping couples with pregnancy problems for more than 17 years . And as you can imagine, during all this time, he has been discovering which are the best elements that enhance fertility . Ingredients that we have collected and find their common place in this new plugin. But we don't want to get ahead of ourselves, the history of our Fertility Formula begins even longer.The day Toñi discovered that she wanted to help bring life to the world
It all started when Toñi, during a Biology major, had to open a small hole in a fertilized chicken egg to see what was happening inside. As she did so, she saw a tiny beating heart, something she herself defines as " life, no frills, life ." It was at that moment that, when she became emotional, she knew that she had to dedicate herself to helping bring life to the world . After specializing in Embryology, he continued training in Clinical Analysis, since he was not only interested in embryology as such, but also in knowing the origin of fertility problems and everything that affects it . And it is that, her part as a scientific researcher has accompanied her throughout her career.A new way of understanding fertility
In the labor field, she worked for seven years in an assisted reproduction clinic , both as an embryologist in the laboratory and seeing patients in consultation, nursing and operating room. A time that ended after suffering from agoraphobia and having to stop working for a year. It was at that time that he discovered integrative medicine and Dr. Cubrías, who was his teacher and encouraged him to train in orthomolecular medicine, nutrition, naturopathy and coaching, among others. When she returned to the clinic, she was no longer the same, she wanted to treat patients in a different way than she had done until then. For this reason, in 2012, at a time when it was unthinkable for an embryologist to do anything other than be in a laboratory, she decided to create her own project: Natural Psychofertility , which would later evolve into Onêt - Atelier del Bienestar. This is how a way of treating fertility problems from a comprehensive perspective was born. A new look that takes into account aspects such as nutrition, physical exercise or the deeper study of clinical analysis.His relationship with Be Levels and the birth of Fertility Formula
As expected, this pioneering method, which supplements nutrient deficiencies, works on stress and treats the emotional sphere, has already helped more than 3,000 patients . In addition, it is in total harmony with the way of feeling and working at Be Levels. When Toñi discovered our supplements, she was fascinated with their composition and immediately began to prescribe Fem Balance to many of her patients, obtaining very good results. Thus, you can imagine how the story continues, after years having to resort to different laboratories and a lot of pills with very high prices, he found in Be Levels the perfect partner to create a pioneering supplement on the market to help boost female fertility. Together, we got down to work and we have managed to bring together in a single supplement everything Toñi knows works and helps improve the oocyte quality of thousands of women. We cannot deny that Fertility Formula has a lot of work behind it. It has been months of adjusting doses, nutrients and investing a lot of effort to bet on quality . But with love, like everything we do at Be Levels, we have managed to create this marvel that, as Toñi says, " every woman who is looking for a pregnancy should take ". We cannot close this story without telling in detail the precise formula of this supplement. To do this, there is no better way than the words of its main formulator during the webinar that we had last Wednesday, March 2. Toñi, together with our nutritionist Rocío Périz, discussed the reason for the active ingredients that make up Fertility Formula and their relationship with improving overall fertility . Do not miss it!