What is the best vitamin D3 and K2 on the market?

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Vitamins D3 and K2 are essential nutrients that have key functions in the body and that, until not too long ago, went more unnoticed than other less important vitamins, when they should not be missing in any diet.
In recent years, vitamin D3 and K2 supplements have gained great popularity , given the different benefits that each of them offers for bone, cardiovascular and general health of the body.
Although both can be obtained through food or sun exposure, today's lifestyle means that many people are deficient in these essential vitamins , forcing them to resort to dietary supplements.
But which is the best vitamin D3 and K2? Keep reading because at Be Levels we are going to help you find it, focusing on the benefits that each of them offers and how to choose a supplement that is suitable for your health.
Vitamin D3 and K2: What are they?
Vitamin D3 is one of the most effective forms of vitamin D that our body produces naturally when the skin is exposed to sunlight , and can also be obtained from certain foods of animal origin, such as oily fish, eggs or cod liver oil.
Once obtained, vitamin D3 is converted into its active form, calcitriol , which plays a key role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
This vitamin acts as a hormone and is crucial for maintaining good bone health , as well as participating in other bodily functions, such as strengthening the immune system.
On the other hand, vitamin K2 is a form of vitamin K that is produced in the intestine from bacteria , and is also found in fermented foods such as cheese, yogurt or natto (fermented soybeans).
Its main function is to activate proteins such as osteocalcin and the GLA matrix , which help fix calcium in the bones and prevent it from accumulating in the arteries and soft tissues, which could cause serious cardiovascular problems.
When combined, they work together to ensure proper absorption of calcium in the body , strengthening bones and preventing calcium buildup in the arteries.
Benefits of taking the best vitamin D3 and K2
Boosts cardiovascular health
One of the main benefits of combining vitamin D3 with K2 is the positive impact that both vitamins have on cardiovascular health .
Vitamin D3 helps produce an appropriate inflammatory response , promoting the transition from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory phase, which helps prevent inflammatory diseases and maintain the health of the endothelium , the tissue that lines the inside of blood vessels.
Vitamin K2 complements this action by preventing calcium from accumulating in the arteries , a key factor in preventing arterial calcification.
The sunshine vitamin in winter
During the winter months, it is advisable to take vitamin D supplements to compensate for reduced sun exposure , and the combination of D3 and K2 not only prevents vitamin D deficiencies, but also ensures that calcium is properly utilized in the body, which is essential in areas where sunlight is limited.
Correct absorption of calcium
Adequate levels of vitamin D3 and K2 are essential for calcium to be properly absorbed and utilized in the body. While vitamin D3 promotes calcium absorption in the intestine, vitamin K2 signals the bones to use that calcium.
Without K2, calcium can build up in the arteries , leading to problems such as arterial calcification. In addition, excessive use of calcium supplements without an adequate combination of D3 and K2 can lead to toxicity, so it is essential to have a good balance between both vitamins to ensure that calcium is used efficiently and safely in the body.
Slows down the aging process and prevents osteoporosis
Bone health can be affected with age and the combination of D3 and K2 plays a crucial role in preventing osteoporosis and maintaining strong bones.
Vitamin D3 helps absorb calcium, while K2 ensures it is deposited in the bones , making it an especially beneficial combination for older people or postmenopausal women, who are more susceptible to bone density loss.
Immune system and health at all stages
Vitamin D3 is known for its role in strengthening the immune system , helping to regulate inflammatory processes, and reducing the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and allergies.
Likewise, its relationship with cognitive function has been studied, showing that adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with better mental performance and a lower risk of cognitive decline.
In addition to being beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health, the combination of D3 and K2 has a positive impact at all stages of life , from childhood to old age.
What is the best brand of vitamin D3 and K2?
When choosing a vitamin D3 and K2 supplement, it is important to look for a formula that offers the most effective and bioavailable versions of both vitamins so that you can get the most out of them.
Sale price
$34.00 USD
Among the most prominent brands on the market, Be Levels is positioned as one of the best thanks to its D3+K2 Vitamins supplement , which has a unique formula that combines vitamin D3 and K2 in their most effective forms.
The vitamin K2 in this supplement comes from the patented MenaQ7® , which offers the most bioavailable form of K2: menaquinone-7 (MK-7). This version of K2 has been shown to be the most effective in directing calcium to the bones and preventing its accumulation in the arteries, ensuring good bone and cardiovascular health.
Be Levels also stands out for using the highest quality vitamin D3 , ensuring that the levels of this vitamin are maintained at an adequate level, even in winter or in people with little sun exposure.
This combination is ideal for people who want to strengthen their immune system, improve bone and cardiovascular health , as well as for those who suffer from autoimmune diseases and need an effective supplement to maintain their overall well-being.