How to improve memory and concentration

Estimated read time: 5,5 minutes.
We lead such a hectic day-to-day life and have so many things to do that we often have trouble concentrating , which causes our attention span and memory to be impaired.
If, no matter how hard you try and how motivated you are, you end up wandering off into space more than you'd like and you're not able to make progress on your daily tasks, take note because we're going to tell you how to improve your memory and concentration so you can make the most of your time.
What are memory and concentration?
Memory and concentration are two fundamental cognitive skills for the functioning of the human brain , which we use daily, at all times, every time we are going to perform any task or activity.
Memory is responsible for storing and processing the information we obtain over time, whether it be experiences, emotions, images, ideas or any situation we have experienced. This storage and encoding process is essential for us to be able to retrieve that information when we need it.
Concentration, On the other hand, concentration is the ability to focus our attention on a specific task . A person who is unable to concentrate is usually distracted, which means that their ability to retain and remember what they have learned is significantly affected.
Why do we have trouble concentrating and memorizing?
The inability to concentrate leads to memory loss , and can also affect our well-being and quality of life, both at work and personally.
Although each person is unique and has different circumstances, these are the main causes that affect memory and concentration capacity according to psychologists:
Stress :
Chronic stress is a factor that negatively affects our mental and physical health . When we are stressed, our cognitive ability is affected, making it really difficult to concentrate. And, the higher the stress level, the more difficult it is to focus on the task at hand.
Lack of sleep :
Lack of rest is the main cause of concentration problems . People who suffer from insomnia or do not have quality sleep often experience a decrease in their attention and memory capacity.
Multitasking culture :
Our society often promotes the idea of multitasking in order to save time, effort and ultimately be more productive.
However, multitasking has been shown not to improve productivity , but actually reduces the attention we devote to each individual activity and increases the likelihood of making errors.
Boredom :
When we have to do tasks or activities that don't interest us, boredom sets in, which makes us have to work harder to pay attention and concentrate . The result? Our attention span decreases, while distraction increases.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) :
This disorder involves serious difficulties in maintaining sustained attention . It affects both adults and children, and requires personalized treatment to meet the specific needs of each individual.
Solutions to improve memory and concentration
We all go through times when it is more difficult for us to concentrate and memorize , especially students, who are the ones who put this ability to the test the most.
Aware that this is a much more common situation than it may seem, at Be Level we bring you some solutions to improve memory and concentration :
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Sleep more and improve the quality of your rest
Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep is crucial to maintaining good cognitive performance . In addition, it is important to practice good sleep hygiene habits to enjoy a better quality of rest.
For example, avoid caffeine consumption after mid-afternoon , reduce the use of blue light screens at least an hour before bedtime, engage in relaxing activities such as reading or taking a hot shower, and try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Practice of meditation
Meditation is not only a tool for reducing stress and anxiety, but it is also an effective tool for improving concentration and, if practiced regularly, it can help you control intrusive thoughts, keeping you focused on the present.
Get organized
Organization is key, so create a daily plan, set priorities, assign specific times for each task, and respect break times . All of this will help significantly improve your attention span and reduce the number of mistakes you make.
Avoid distractions
To improve information retention, it is essential to reduce distractions and avoid multitasking . Focusing on one task at a time makes the memorization process easier. Associating information with familiar songs, sayings, or ideas can also be helpful in remembering it later.
Stay mentally active
Staying mentally active is essential for preserving memory . Activities such as solving crossword puzzles, reading, playing games or learning to play a musical instrument can keep our brains fit and prevent cognitive decline.
Play sports
In addition to improving mood, physical exercise also reduces levels of cortisol , the stress hormone, which is key to improving attention and concentration capacity.
Take care of your diet
A healthy and varied diet is good for the brain , and proper nutrition can help improve memory and concentration.
Eating properly can optimize brain function , which requires a series of essential nutrients to function properly, and which we can obtain from fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, meats and poultry without skin.
Likewise, the lack of certain minerals and vitamins can negatively affect concentration and memory , causing feelings of drowsiness, discouragement and fatigue.
Take specific supplements for memory and concentration
In addition to everything we have just discussed, there are dietary supplements specifically formulated to improve memory and concentration , which can be of great help in reducing distractions and being more focused.
Boost your energy and concentration
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An example of these supplements is Wake Up Mood by Be Levels, capsules composed of 5 totally natural ingredients that will help you improve your ability to concentrate and memorize , which will also increase your daily energy and improve your mood.
Perfect for people who need to maximize their ability to concentrate and increase their sustained energy levels, Mucuna Pruriens, L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine from wake up mood will improve concentration and memory by activating the thyroid hormone , helping you to perform and be more productive in your day to day life.
Now that you know how to improve your memory and concentration , take note of these tips and perform at your best in your daily life.