Why menstrual cycles get shorter

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The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days , although this can vary greatly from one woman to another, being less than 21 or more than 35 days in some cases. It is also possible that it varies from month to month.
Generally, a short menstrual cycle is defined as one that is less than 24 days long , and if your cycle, even if short, is always the same length, there will be nothing remarkable.
But if you start having a shorter menstrual cycle, you will probably have doubts and want to know what is causing this irregularity.
In that case, stay with us because at Be Levels we are going to tell you why menstrual cycles shorten , and what you can do to regain hormonal balance.
What is the menstrual cycle and how does it work?
The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends when you get your period again , and during this cycle, the body undergoes a series of changes that prepare the body for pregnancy.
During the menstrual cycle, a woman's body goes through four phases:
- Menstrual phase.
- Follicular phase.
- Ovulation phase.
- Luteal phase.
Normally, the follicular phase is the longest, and is when estrogen levels increase as the woman's body prepares for ovulation.
The ovulation phase , which is when the egg is released, usually occurs midway through the cycle . Unless pregnancy occurs during this stage, the uterine lining is shed after the luteal phase, leading to menstruation.
The duration of each phase of a menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones , so any change in the hormonal balance could cause the cycle to shorten or lengthen.
It is therefore important to monitor your cycle to see if it is getting shorter or longer , and if so, try to detect what is causing these changes. This will be essential to see the regularity of your cycle, which can be an important indicator of your hormonal health, as well as to get to know yourself.
Shorter menstrual cycle, why?
If your cycle has shortened and you have your period every 21 days, for example, age is the first thing you should take into account . Yes, because as we get older it is common to experience irregularities in the length of our cycles and it is normal for them to become shorter.
Likewise, during adolescence, hormonal cycles tend to be very irregular , with long and scant menstruation, and they gradually adjust as the hormones become more balanced. Normally, it is around the age of 20 when the cycle is regulated and we can have more effective control.
However, every woman is different and age is not always the reason for this shortening.
Below we show the main reasons why you may have a shorter menstrual cycle :
Hormonal changes
As we have discussed, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are due to hormonal changes , which occur mainly in perimenopause, in the years preceding menopause, when it is common to have shorter and irregular cycles, and in puberty, where it is also normal for them to be shorter, while the body adapts to the new hormonal levels.
Pregnancy or breastfeeding
A shorter menstrual cycle or a missed period can be the first sign of pregnancy . It is common to experience irregularities in cycles just after pregnancy, as well as during the breastfeeding period.
Lifestyle can also shorten your menstrual cycle , especially when it comes to stress, weight changes, or excessive exercise.
High levels of stress can affect the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis , which is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, causing alterations in its duration. In the most severe cases, it may even lead to the complete absence of the period, which is known as amenorrhea.
Excessive exercise and weight changes can also reduce estrogen levels , shortening cycles significantly or interrupting menstruation, since the body uses energy to perform vital functions such as breathing.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome often have shorter or irregular cycles due to the hormonal imbalances they suffer from.
Hormonal contraceptives
Women who take hormonal contraceptives such as the morning-after pill or birth control pills often experience alterations in their menstrual cycles due to hormonal imbalances.
What to do if your menstrual cycle has shortened?
Improve your diet
A balanced diet is essential to keep your hormones in balance . Make sure to include healthy fats and high-quality proteins in every meal, which will help stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels, promoting overall hormonal balance.
Limit simple sugars
Foods high in simple sugars can have a negative impact on your menstrual cycle , such as fruit juices, sweets, bread, pasta, condiments, pastries, soft drinks, processed foods, supplements and ice cream, which could cause irregularities in your cycle.
It is essential to read product labels and opt for those with less added sugar to keep your hormone levels stable.
Avoid alcohol
Even in moderate amounts, alcohol consumption can affect your hormone levels , increasing estrogen levels and reducing progesterone levels.
Control stress
Stress can significantly disrupt your hormonal balance by increasing cortisol production , which can reduce progesterone and estrogen levels. Try to manage stress through practices such as yoga, meditation, regular exercise, or breathing techniques to keep your hormones in balance.
Keep track of your cycles
Tracking your menstrual cycles and associated symptoms can provide you with important information about your hormonal health , allowing you to identify patterns and changes in your cycle, which can be helpful to you and your doctor in understanding and treating any irregularities.
Rely on hormonal supplements
Hormonal supplements can be a solution to regulate your menstrual cycle , helping you balance your hormones.
Menstrual pain, inflammation and acne
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$69.00 USD
At Be Levels we have Fem Balance, your ultimate ally to regulate your hormonal system naturally , improving the menstrual cycle and the hormonal variation of estradiol and progesterone in its different phases.
In addition, Fem Balance will also reduce premenstrual pain and discomfort thanks to its anti-inflammatory components , which will reduce hormonal inflammation and help eliminate estrogen in the liver, improving hormonal and metabolic balance. It is also an excellent natural remedy for women with PCOS , endometriosis or chronic inflammation.
Recommended for women at all stages of their lives, take four Fem Balance capsules daily , two with your first meal and two with your second, to experience positive changes in your physical and emotional well-being as soon as possible.