What is anxiety and what are its symptoms?

Estimated read time: 5,5 minutes.
Anxiety is a natural response of the body to stressful situations or a feeling of danger that we have all experienced, to a greater or lesser extent, at some point in our lives and, far from what we may think, can be useful in certain circumstances, since in some way, it prepares us to face threats.
Given the hectic pace of life we lead today, the constant pressure to meet expectations, the fear of failure and the multiple obligations we must face, anxiety has become a very common problem today , with more and more people suffering from it in their daily lives in different forms and degrees of intensity.
But what is anxiety and what are its symptoms?
A crucial aspect to be able to identify this disorder is to know what symptoms anxiety has , since otherwise, we could confuse it or not give it the importance it deserves.
For this reason, at Be Levels we are going to tell you what the most common symptoms of stress and anxiety are , so that you can identify them and take the necessary measures to treat them.
First of all, what is anxiety and what causes it?
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, uneasiness, or worry that is often experienced in response to a specific stimulus , such as an exam or a job interview, although it can also arise without any obvious cause.
In psychological terms, anxiety is an adaptive response that activates the nervous system , preparing the body for a "fight or flight" response.
There are different types of anxiety disorders , such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Each of these disorders has specific characteristics and triggers , but they all share a common basis of excessive anxiety.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety symptoms can vary widely from person to person , both in intensity and in the way they occur, with the most common being:
Palpitations or increased heart rate
Feeling that your heart is beating faster or harder than normal is one of the most common physical symptoms of anxiety , which can arise suddenly and without warning, generating a feeling of fear or worry.
Palpitations can make a person feel like they are having a heart problem , which can further aggravate anxiety. It is actually the body's response to the release of adrenaline, preparing it for a "fight or flight" response.
Excessive sweating
Excessive sweating, especially in stressful situations, is a common physiological response during anxiety episodes , which can occur in the palms of the hands, forehead, armpits, and other parts of the body.
Sweating more than usual can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation , and in some cases, it can lead to avoiding social or work situations for fear of what others might think.
Tremors are involuntary movements that can affect any part of the body , although they are most common in the hands. During an anxiety episode, the nervous system is overactive, which can cause these tremors or jerks.
This symptom can be very visible and cause concern about the person's ability to control their body , thus increasing the feeling of anxiety.
Feeling of shortness of breath
Feeling like you can't take a deep breath or are short of breath is a common symptom of anxiety , which can be very distressing and, in the worst cases, can lead to thoughts of suffocation or having a heart attack.
Hyperventilation, which is breathing rapidly, can aggravate this symptom, causing dizziness and weakness.
Muscle tension
Having tense or sore muscles for no apparent reason is common in people with anxiety . Muscle tension can affect various parts of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, and back, and can lead to chronic pain if not treated properly.
Headache is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety due to accumulated tension , which can be mild, moderate or very intense.
Muscle tension in the neck and shoulders is the main cause of headaches, as well as lack of sleep , which is another symptom associated with anxiety.
Gastrointestinal problems
Experiencing stomach upset, nausea or diarrhea can be an indication of anxiety . The digestive system is very sensitive to stress and anxiety, and these symptoms may appear on a recurring basis.
Likewise, it is common for people with anxiety to develop irregular eating habits , which can aggravate these gastrointestinal problems.
Excessive worry
Constantly worrying about everyday situations is a key feature of anxiety . This worry is out of proportion to the reality of the situation and can be difficult to control.
Irrational fear
Having intense fears that do not correspond to the reality of the situation is another symptom of anxiety , which may be related to specific phobias, such as fear of flying, heights, or closed spaces.
These fears can be so intense that the person may go to great lengths to avoid the situations that trigger them , which can significantly limit their daily life.
Difficulty concentrating
People with anxiety tend to have trouble concentrating or maintaining attention on very simple things, such as having a conversation with another person.
This is because the mind is constantly occupied with thoughts that generate worry , which interferes with the ability to focus on the present, directly affecting performance at work or in studies.
The importance of treating anxiety
If you experience one or more of these symptoms on a recurring basis, it is essential to seek professional help to treat your anxiety and prevent this problem from getting worse and preventing you from leading a normal life.
Receiving psychological care is the first thing you should do to treat anxiety , since a specialized psychologist will be able to make a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment to alleviate symptoms and allow you to enjoy a better quality of life.
Likewise, resting, exercising, socializing or taking care of your diet can also help treat anxiety , allowing you to enjoy greater well-being.
At Be Levels, we also offer you Be Calm, a food supplement that will help you reduce anxiety levels , providing you with calm and well-being, and will also improve concentration and help you fall asleep.
Likewise, at Be Levels we have developed a health protocol for the treatment of insomnia and nocturnal anxiety, which will provide you with a series of useful tips on lifestyle hygiene, nutrition and natural food supplements, aimed at improving the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.