#13 – Infertility of unknown origin

Rocío Périz with Antonia González Fernández

Today we speak with Toñi, director and founder of the ONÊT clinic. Biologist, expert in reproductive medicine, with extensive academic training in Mindfulness, psychoneuroimmunology...

#12 – The best alternatives to avoid abdominal distension

Rubén Hernández

In today's podcast we talk about the causes of abdominal bloating and possible resources to avoid it. We talk about: Causes. How to proceed....

#11 – Health consciousness and common sense - Final

Rocío Périz with Phil Hugo

Second and final chapter in which we speak with Phil Hugo, pharmacist and personal trainer, popularizer and author of several courses specialized in nutrition,...

#11 – Salud con-ciencia y sentido común - Primera parte

Rocío Périz with Phil Hugo

En el podcast de hoy hablamos con Phil Hugo, farmacéutico y entrenador personal, divulgador y autor de varios cursos especializado en nutrición, entrenamiento y...

#10 – What you should know before following a ketogenic diet

Rubén Hernández

In today's podcast we talk about the ketogenic diet, the starting point and the goals we want to achieve. Various conditions must be taken...

#9 – Fertility recognition methods

Rocío Périz with Judith Leon

In today's podcast we talk with Judit León, instructor of the symptothermal method and doula in menstrual cycle and fertility. We talk about: What...