#50 - Por qué las personas enferman
Sobre este episodio: Conversamos sobre temas relevantes como el síndrome del impostor, salud integrativa, terapeutas, inmigración, exigencia y acabamos los últimos minutos con maternidad....

#49- Chronic low-grade inflammation: causes, consequences and how to reduce it
Inflammaging or low-grade inflammation is one of the most widespread silent pandemics in modern life and a common factor in most current diseases. Medicine...
#48- Pregnancy that does not arrive. Dismantling myths
In this Episode we have tried to dismantle the most frequent myths in the search for pregnancy and we talked about the importance of...
#47- Physiological birth vs medicalized birth
Today more than ever, being born is a matter of women's rights and civil liberties. In this episode, Laia Vidal, an obstetrician and gynecologist...
#46- Learn to rest: Sleep is not a dispensable luxury
In the world of stress and hyperproductivity, where airplanes allow us to change time zones in less time than we need to take a...
#45- Integrative Approach in Endometriosis
Today we talk about Endometriosis, a hormonal alteration in women that affects 1 in 10 women and that usually takes about 9 years to...