What to do to sleep through the night

Estimated read time: 4,5 minutes.
Many people have trouble sleeping and wake up several times during the night before their alarm clock goes off, which means they are unable to get a good night's sleep.
A situation that is much more common than we might think, especially with the summer and the arrival of high temperatures, sleeping well is essential for health and for having a good quality of life , with the ideal being to sleep an average of between 7 and 8 hours a day.
And, when we do not rest properly, we feel much more tired not only physically, but also mentally , causing us to be much more tired, irritable and in a worse mood, making the days endless.
If you tend to wake up at night, then have trouble getting back to sleep and end up tossing and turning in bed, at Be Levels we tell you what to do to sleep through the night , giving you a series of tricks and tips that, although they won't be miraculous, will help you fall asleep and sleep more deeply.
10 tips to sleep through the night without waking up
1 – Create a sleep routine
Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day is essential to balance the natural sleep-wake cycle . Therefore, it would be ideal to create a sleep routine adapted to your needs , which allows you to train your body to gradually know when it is time to sleep and wake up.
On the contrary, going to bed at a different time every day will make it more difficult to fall asleep when you need to.
2 – Eat light and avoid drinking too much
When you eat a large dinner and/or drink a lot of water, you are more likely to have to wake up to go to the bathroom.
Our advice is to eat a light dinner , avoiding foods that are too heavy, and not to drink too much fluids , since it has been shown that the active digestive process can make it difficult to fall asleep.
3 - Reduce naps
You must control both the duration and the time of your naps so that you can get to nighttime and enjoy a good rest.
Limit your nap to a maximum of 20 minutes and preferably in the early afternoon so that it doesn't interfere with your ability to sleep at night.
4 – Avoid using electronic devices before going to bed
Blue light from electronic devices can suppress the production of melatonin , which is the hormone that regulates sleep, helping to induce and maintain it, in both children and adults.
Therefore, avoid using your mobile phone, tablet or computer before going to bed . It is recommended to turn off screens at least half an hour before going to bed.
5 – Create a suitable environment
Creating the right environment is key to enjoying a restful night's sleep . Make sure your bedroom is dimly lit and free of disturbing noises and distractions.
6 – Check the mattress and pillow
In line with the previous point, make sure that the mattress and pillow are in good condition and comfortable , otherwise they could negatively affect the quality of your rest.
If you have trouble sleeping or wake up tired or in pain in the morning, consider changing your mattress and/or pillow , which should provide you with the right firmness to maintain good posture and good neck support respectively.
7 – Avoid exercising at night
It is true that sport is good for sleep, but intense physical activity late in the day could negatively affect your rest , keeping your brain on alert.
Keep in mind that both your body and your mind need time to relax , so avoid exercising at least two hours before going to bed.
8 – Regulate the temperature of your room
The body needs to cool down to sleep well, so it is essential to keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature , preferably below 20 degrees, to promote deep, uninterrupted sleep.
9 – Take a hot bath
A good tip for sleeping through the night is to take a hot bath before going to bed to regulate your body's internal temperature . Experts recommend a shower at around 40ºC for five minutes, approximately an hour and a half before going to sleep.
10 – Try natural sleep supplements
Better rest and deeper sleep
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$44.00 USD
If you continue to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, natural supplements like Chill Mood can help regulate your sleep cycle and improve the quality of your rest.
Chill Mood is a Be Levels supplement designed for people who cannot sleep well, suffer from insomnia or wake up several times during the night , which helps them sleep well, fall asleep sooner and improve its quality, eliminate the feeling of fatigue and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Composed of 9 natural ingredients, it contains magnesium, melatonin and GABA , three substances that ensure restful sleep, and glycine , which reduces fatigue and tiredness, promoting rest and good hormonal regulation.
Boost your energy and concentration
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$48.00 USD
And, if you have trouble sleeping, the perfect pack to overcome daily tiredness and rest perfectly is the one composed of Chill Mood and Wake Up Mood , which will boost your energy and concentration levels throughout the day, helping you combat the symptoms of tiredness, chronic fatigue and mood.