Cuál es la mejor vitamina para el sistema inmune

What is the best vitamin for the immune system?

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

The immune system is responsible for protecting our body from infections or diseases and, when it is weakened or not in good condition, our...

Qué vitaminas tomar para fortalecer el pelo

What vitamin am I missing if my hair is falling out?

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

If your hair is falling out more than usual, when you wake up your pillow is full of hair or when you get out...

Evitar la caída del cabello

Best vitamins for hair and nails

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

The high levels of stress we are exposed to on a daily basis and poor nutrition can cause hair and nail loss , especially...

Dormir todas la noche del tirón

What to do to sleep through the night

Phil Hugo

Many people have trouble sleeping and wake up several times during the night before their alarm clock goes off, which means they are unable...

Mejores vitaminas para la memoria

Best vitamins for memory

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

Fatigue , stress and demands make us forget things , not because we are less intelligent, but because we have so many things on...

Por qué se acortan los ciclos menstruales

Why menstrual cycles get shorter

Phil Hugo

The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days , although this can vary greatly from one woman to another, being less than 21 or more...