Como mejorar la concentración y la memoria

How to improve memory and concentration

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

We lead such a hectic day-to-day life and have so many things to do that we often have trouble concentrating , which causes our...

Mejores enzimas digestivas

The best natural digestive enzymes

Phil Hugo

Digestive enzymes are proteins that are essential for the proper digestion of food . They help break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into smaller...

Qué tomar para hacer bien la digestión

What to take to aid digestion

Phil Hugo

There are few sensations more annoying than heavy digestion , especially at night, since poor digestion can greatly affect our rest, making it much...

Como mejorar la concentración en tu día a día

How to improve concentration

Dr. Antonio Hernández Armenteros

We have become accustomed to performing several tasks at the same time , something that can be positive in terms of time optimization, but...

Como tomar vitamina C en tu día a día

When and how to take vitamin C

Rocío Périz

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient to strengthen the immune system , with a high antioxidant power, which has multiple beneficial...

Mejores vitaminas para el cansancio

Best vitamins for fatigue

Rocío Périz

Whether it is due to the heat, changes in our diet, because we are exposed to a high level of stress or we are...