Digestive pathologies, clinical nutrition and human microbiota
Mariana has a degree in Biological Sciences, with a specialty in biotechnology from the UCM. Additionally, he has a Degree inDiet and nutritionby Carlemany University.
Throughout his professional career, he has accumulated different qualifications, including a Master's degree inDigestive pathologies and clinical nutrition(ICNS), Master inhuman microbiota(CEU), and Postgraduate expert innutrition for women: pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood (Enseca).
It is specialized inChild nutrition(Stanford University), nutrition for women andhormonal nutrition(ICNS), and is an expert in microbiota management based on scientific evidence (Advanced Institute for Holistic Health), as well as in Holistic Nutrition (Institute for Holistic Nutrition).
KNOWLEDGE: Dietetics, Nutrition, digestive pathologies, Human Microbiota, Holistic Nutrition, Child nutrition, Hormonal Nutrition, and Integrative Health