How to make digestion faster?

Phil Hugo
¿Cómo hacer la digestión más rápido?

Estimated read time: 4,3 minutes.

Poor digestion can be really annoying , especially if it is accompanied by heartburn, stomach pain and other common symptoms that show that our digestive system is having trouble digesting what we have eaten.

We have all suffered from it to a greater or lesser extent, and that is why at Be Levels we are going to tell you how to digest faster , giving you a series of useful and effective tips that will help you prevent slow and heavy digestions that can sometimes even make you unable to get out of bed.

How to improve digestion?

I need a text with the title “How to improve digestion?” based on the following information, which must be completely modified as if it had been written by someone else:

1 – Chew well and eat slowly

It is important to chew food well and eat slowly , because if we swallow food without chewing it enough, our stomach will have problems digesting it later. It is recommended to chew each food between 15 and 20 times, so that the saliva can emulsify it and the secretions act correctly.

Experts recommend spending a minimum of 20 minutes eating , as it has been shown that this is the time our brain needs to send us the signal of satiety.

2 - Space out meals

Another important aspect to improve digestion is to space out the time between main meals and not skip any , since otherwise we may arrive at one of them hungrier than normal, which would increase the risk of overeating.

It is important to have three or four hours between breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and supper . This way, you will avoid having an empty stomach, you will be able to control your appetite and eat lighter meals throughout the day.

3 – Reduce consumption of carbonated drinks

If you tend to drink carbonated soft drinks, you should reduce your consumption of carbonated beverages , since gas is one of the worst enemies of the digestive system, expanding in the stomach and causing a feeling of bloating, as well as increasing gas production.

4 – Avoid drinking between meals

Even if you drink water, it is important not to drink too much while eating , as drinking during the meal will promote the secretion of gastric juices, which will make you feel much heavier. Our advice is to drink a lot before and after eating.

5 – Drink infusions

Infusions can help you improve digestion , especially those made from digestive plants such as pennyroyal, chamomile, lemon balm or verbena, which will promote good digestion.

The ideal is to drink an infusion after eating , and if possible, to replace coffee. If you want, you can add a little anise or fennel to the infusion, which will help you prevent and eliminate gas.

6 – Bring forward dinner time

In addition to having a light dinner, we recommend that you eat dinner earlier , so that at least two hours have passed before you go to bed. This way, when you get into bed, you will have already finished digesting or will be ready to do so.

You should also keep in mind that the earlier you eat dinner, the better you will rest , since you will reduce the risk of having to wake up during the night due to poor digestion.

7 – Increase fiber intake

Another tip is to increase your intake of foods rich in fiber, to prevent or reduce constipation , which can affect digestion, making you feel much more bloated and increasing the risk of stomach pain or heartburn.

8 – Avoid exercising at night

Although exercise is highly recommended to enjoy good digestion, it is not recommended to exercise at night and especially after dinner , otherwise your body will have difficulty digesting food, causing symptoms such as heartburn or even vomiting.

The ideal is to exercise at least three hours before going to bed and always before dinner , as this way you can speed up the digestive process.

9 – Reduce salt consumption

Although consumed in moderate amounts it can be highly beneficial, too much salt can increase fluid retention and the feeling of bloating after eating.

Therefore, if you like salty foods, you should reduce the amount of salt you put in your meals . A good idea is to replace salt with fiber, in order to regulate intestinal activity and prevent constipation.

10 – Food supplements for digestion

Beyond all these recommendations, there are dietary supplements that can help you improve your digestion , in addition to providing other benefits for your overall health.

One of them is Gut Day by Be Levels, a supplement that will help you forget about indigestion , designed specifically to improve digestive health and combat bloating, heaviness, diarrhea, excess gas, reflux or constipation, among other symptoms.

Gut Day has a unique formula that will improve your digestion in just a few days , thanks to substances such as digestive enzymes Digezyme, Bromelain, L-glutamine or turmeric rhizome extract, taking only two scoops a day, preferably before main meals.