What is the best Omega 3?

Rocío Périz
Cual es el mejor Omega 3

Estimated read time: 4,8 minutes.

Our body is a complex mechanism that works properly when all the pieces fit together and all the elements are present doing their job. And among these, it is essential to find Omega 3 fatty acids , which are a type of polyunsaturated fat . They are essential for our body to perform important tasks in organs such as the heart.

However, it turns out that the body does not produce them on its own. They must be incorporated through food and even supplements. And now we are going to give you some key information about the latter: which is the best Omega 3.

Types of Omega 3

It is important for you to know that Omega 3 fatty acids are essential because of the important functions they perform in favor of our health. It is also very important for you to know that there are three different types of them:

  • DHA , also known as Docosahexaenoic Acid, is of marine origin and plays a key role in the nervous system. It is one of the most beneficial and plays a fundamental role in the brain and eyes.
  • ALA , which is called Alpha Linoleic Acid, can be found in oils from different plants, nuts and even seeds. It is important to know that it needs the other two types of Omega 3 to be able to be synthesized.
  • EPA , which is also called Eicosapentaenoic Acid. Like the first, it is also of marine origin and can be found in fatty fish, mainly blue, as well as in shellfish, algae and fish oils. Although it is also found in crustaceans and, to a lesser extent, in egg yolk. This Omega 3 is very important for the heart.

Main benefits of Omega 3

As we have indicated at the beginning, it is really necessary and important for our body to have adequate levels of Omega 3 for its proper functioning. Specifically, consuming it and providing it to the body allows us to enjoy the following benefits:

  • It contributes to improving intestinal health.
  • It keeps both skin and hair in perfect health.
  • Significantly reduces joint problems.
  • It helps reduce inflammation in diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's. What's more, it helps reduce the chances of suffering from macular degeneration.
  • It is a perfect ally to fight mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of cardiac conditions such as arrhythmias.
  • It also helps to ensure optimal lung function.
  • It is also considered useful for lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of sudden death.

What to consider when choosing the best Omega 3?

In order to enjoy all the benefits that Omega 3 provides to the body, you must eat foods rich in it. However, it is also a great option to resort to supplements of it, whether or not you have a deficiency of it.

There is a wide variety of such accessories on the market. It is therefore necessary to know the criteria to be taken into account in order to buy the best one. Criteria as relevant as these:

  1. That has the IFOS seal or certificate

When buying an Omega 3 supplement, it is essential to check that it has the IFOS seal, which guarantees its purity, quality and, consequently, its safety. This certificate is issued by the only international agency recognised for this purpose, which is originally from Canada.

This certification was created in 2004, which shows that the product in question meets the standards and criteria established, for example, by the WHO (World Health Organization). Specifically, it means that it complies with the activated ingredients indicated on the label, that its stability in terms of oxidation is guaranteed (less than 75%), that it has negligible levels of heavy metals and contaminants and even that its concentration of DHA and EPA is greater than 60%.

  1. That it has a good concentration of Omega 3 per dose

Of course, if the supplement has the aforementioned IFOS seal, it will already guarantee it, but it is equally important that you make sure that each capsule has an adequate supply of Omega 3 for the body. Specifically, you should know that the recommended daily dose is around 1000 mg. Therefore, with the indicated daily intake, it should provide this amount thanks to its concentration of DHA and EPA.

  1. May it have the best format

Similarly, when choosing the best Omega 3 it is necessary to opt for the triglyceride format, because it is not only healthier, but also easier to metabolize.

That is why it is necessary to opt for the former rather than the ester format, which is synthetic and less efficient. Yes, because it is less well absorbed.

The best Omega 3

Taking into account the criteria set out above for choosing the ideal Omega 3, we can establish that the best, without a doubt, is our Omoega 3 from Be Levels. This is gluten and lactose free, has the aforementioned IFOS and Friends of the Sea certification, while its Golden Omega patent shows that it has maximum purity and quality.

But that's not all. Furthermore, the oil obtained from the fish known as anchovy maintains the natural proportion of EPA and DHA in fish of 35/25.

You should take three capsules a day to enjoy all the benefits it offers:

  • It reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as it improves cardiovascular health, as well as cognitive and brain health.
  • It increases good cholesterol levels, while reducing blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
  • Reduces any inflammation that the body may have.
  • It takes care of your skin, eyes, hair and immune system.
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.