What to take to aid digestion

Estimated read time: 4,2 minutes.
There are few sensations more annoying than heavy digestion , especially at night, since poor digestion can greatly affect our rest, making it much harder for us to fall asleep or waking up several times during the night.
Heavy digestion usually occurs after a meal or dinner in which we have overindulged , not only in eating, but also in drinking, and Christmas and holiday periods are when these bad digestions occur more often than normal.
Likewise, eating unhealthy foods could also cause poor digestion, as well as eating too quickly , since by not chewing and salivating the food well, digestion may be worse.
Although it may vary from one person to another, generally, heavy digestion is characterized by the appearance of discomfort in the abdominal area , which may occur just after eating, or after a few minutes or even hours. These discomforts may disappear quickly or last for hours, or even the next day in the worst cases.
We have all been there, and at Be Levels we are going to tell you what to eat to help digestion and what not to eat , so that the next time you have a meal with family or friends, you can be prepared and take the appropriate measures to avoid having a bad digestion.
5 foods can help you improve digestion
1 – Yogur
Yogurt is known for its high content of probiotics , which are live microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial to health. These probiotics not only strengthen the immune system, but also promote the health of the intestinal flora and improve intestinal transit , helping to make digestion much less burdensome.
2 – Apple
Apples, especially with their peel, are rich in pectin, a soluble vegetable fiber that facilitates digestion and prevents intestinal fermentation . In addition, it helps reduce constipation and controls LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol), maintaining good digestive tract health.
3 – Pineapple
Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down hard-to-digest proteins . Although there is no scientific evidence for this at the moment, many people eat pineapple to relieve intestinal problems, reduce bloating and treat ulcers.
4 – Asparagus
Asparagus is an excellent source of fiber , which helps prevent colds and reduce bad cholesterol. It is also recommended for treating irritable bowel syndrome.
In addition, they are known to be a negative calorie food, meaning that the body burns more calories digesting them than they provide (20 calories per 100 grams).
5 - Olive oil
Olive oil protects against gastric reflux and heartburn , and helps the stomach contents to be released slowly and gradually into the duodenum, prolonging the feeling of satiety.
Other tips for good digestion
Chew well
It is crucial to chew food slowly and carefully , because chewing initiates the sugar digestion processes and prepares the food for better digestion in the stomach.
Our advice is to eat slowly and avoid putting large amounts of food in your mouth , which will help you avoid poor digestion and other common problems such as gas or heartburn.
Moderate salt consumption
Reducing salt intake can prevent fluid retention and, therefore, the feeling of bloating . Ideally, you should consume between 30 and 50 grams of fiber daily, since fiber has been shown to regulate intestinal activity and prevent constipation.
Avoid carbonated drinks
By expanding in the stomach, carbonated drinks can cause a feeling of heaviness , promoting the accumulation of gas.
Drink water before meals
Drinking a glass of water before each meal can help you distinguish between hunger and thirst , thereby preventing overeating. This can help you better regulate the amount of food you eat.
Breathe deeply before eating
Taking deep breaths before eating can help you focus and become more aware of what you are eating . Oxygen is vital for the metabolism of food, and proper breathing will improve the absorption and digestion of nutrients.
Exercise after eating
Physical activity is the best remedy for heavy digestion . Walking after eating can stimulate gastric emptying and improve the digestive process, contributing to better digestion.
Try Gut Day, a supplement for digestion and bloating
If you tend to suffer from heavy digestions that significantly affect your quality of life, at Be Levels we offer you Gut Day, a supplement for digestion and bloating with which you can say goodbye to heavy digestions forever .
Designed for people with problems of heaviness and bloating, or who suffer from excess gas, reflux, constipation or diarrhea, Gut Day has a unique formula designed to improve your digestive health , preventing heaviness and indigestion, even after the largest meals.
Contains Digezyme and Bromelain , two substances that facilitate good digestion in the stomach, and licorice, turmeric and ginger , which reduce gastric inflammation and lighten digestion.
Completely suitable for vegans, you should take two scoops of Gut Day a day , preferably before main meals, to notice an improvement in your digestion from the first few days.