#45- Integrative Approach in Endometriosis

Rocío Périz with Fátima Martínez Hernández

Estimated read time: 1,1 minutes.

Today we talk about Endometriosis, a hormonal alteration in women that affects 1 in 10 women and that usually takes about 9 years to be diagnosed. 9 years living with a series of symptoms that prevent most women from living their lives normally.

Symptoms such as discomfort during intercourse, excessive menstrual bleeding, difficulty in achieving pregnancy, digestive discomfort and much more that we will discuss today with an expert on the subject, Fátima Martínez, Gynecologist and Obstetrician with an integrative approach to women's health, with Master in Human Reproduction, Oncological Gynecology, Aesthetics-Nutrition.

We talked to her about:

  • What is Endometriosis and what factors predispose us to its development.
  • How is it diagnosed.
  • Its relationship with intestinal disorders: SIBO, Celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism.
  • Its conventional treatment and from lifestyle medicine.
  • Natural food supplements that can help patients with pain. At Be levels we have Fem Balance available for this: it offers us a set of active ingredients that will help us with estrogenic detox and, therefore, improve the inflammatory context associated with endometriosis.

Don't miss this episode in which Fátima gives a complete overview of the different factors that may be behind endometriosis and the most effective natural dietary habits and supplements to treat it.

Fátima Martínez Hernández

Gynecologist and Obstetrician with an integrative approach to women's health, with a Master's Degree in Human Reproduction, Gynecological Oncology, Aesthetics-Nutrition.