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Integrative approach to endometriosis

Integrative approach to endometriosis

By: Laia Sanchez

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The health protocol for the integrative approach to endometriosis has been prepared by the integrative gynecologist Laia Sánchez and offers us a detailed vision of what this systemic, chronic, inflammatory and hormone-dependent disease is that affects 10% of women of reproductive age. .

He explains, in turn, what factors contribute to its appearance, what are its most characteristic symptoms, and how we can approach endometriosis in an integrative way , highlighting the importance of early diagnosis to avoid future complications.

This protocol is for you if...
  • You have heavy menstrual bleeding .
  • You have menstrual pain and chronic pelvic pain that does not respond to treatment with anti-inflammatories and/or hormonal contraceptives .
  • Do you have a family member with endometriosis ?

Our Fem Balance in combination with Chill Mood and Triple Magnesium form the perfect combo to help you with estrogen detox and improve the inflammatory context associated with endometriosis.
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  • Hay que dejar de normalizar el dolor menstrual. Hay que escuchar a la mujer, porque la mayoría de las veces, son ellas las que se autodiagnostican. El retraso en el diagnóstico conlleva detectar la enfermedad en estadios avanzados con las limitaciones y el impacto en la calidad de vida que esto supone en las mujeres, tanto a nivel físico como en la esfera psicosocial. El diagnóstico precoz es posible.

    Laia Sánchez

    Ginecóloga integrativa con perspectiva de género

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