What is the best magnesium on the market?

Estimated read time: 5,8 minutes.
Magnesium is a mineral that our body produces and helps regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, the nervous system, the formation of bone mass... Although to go deeper, we already talked to you in this other article about what it is. Magnesium and what it is for .
However, sometimes different circumstances arise, such as age, that affect said production and mean that it is not in the appropriate proportion. Hence, faced with this deficiency, what many people choose is to take supplements. Specifically, they choose to include the best magnesium of that type in their daily lives.
If you also find yourself now at that point of wanting to choose one, you will be interested in continuing reading. We are going to reveal below the most demanded and positively valued on the market. Take note.
What is the best magnesium? Different types
There are many types of magnesium on the market to meet the needs of each person. Hence, they are differentiated by factors such as their absorption, the objective they allow to achieve or the way they are provided to the body. And among all of them, we have to establish that these are the best without a doubt:
Magnesium citrate
It has in its favor that it is absorbed very quickly and well. It is the result of the combination of citric oxide and magnesium.
It is especially recommended to tackle acidity problems, to facilitate evacuation before a colonoscopy and even to regulate intestinal transit.
Magnesium oxide
Only 4% of this other type of magnesium is absorbed, so it is not the best option for those who want a supplement to make up for their deficiency in said mineral.
It is a perfect solution for those who are looking to end constipation , reflux or stomach pain.
It has in its favor that it is available for a quite affordable price.
Magnesium chloride
Two chloride ions and one magnesium ion are what give shape to this other supplement, which allows the absorption of said mineral by 12%. Of course, this absorption capacity increases when it is used in the form of gel, cream or salts, so in this way it is beneficial for the skin, muscles, bones or nervous system.
Its intake is also recommended to reduce the risks of infection.
Magnesium bisglycinate
Two glycine ions and one magnesium ion give shape to this magnesium salt, which is characterized by its high absorption and high quality. Hence, it is a great alternative for those who want to alleviate a deficiency of said mineral .
With it you can achieve everything from improving muscle function to bone health. But it also serves to increase the quality of sleep , reduce anxiety levels and even lose weight.
Furthermore, it has in its favor the fact that it does not cause any type of digestive problems.
Magnesium glycinate
You may not know it, but this type of magnesium is similar to bisglycinate , mentioned in the previous section. Both refer to the same chemical compound, what happens is that this one that concerns us now becomes its most generic name, so to speak.
Magnesium malate
A wonderful bioavailability is what characterizes this other supplement, which combines malic acid and magnesium. Although it also stands out for its high absorption.
With these characteristics it helps the body against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes . In addition, it is considered to be a great source of energy for those suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia.
Magnesium threonate
This other type is a recent synthetic formula that has appeared on the market and is aimed primarily at three types of people. Specifically, those who are deficient in magnesium, those who want to avoid the laxative effect of other supplements and those who want to improve their energy levels .
It is interesting to know that threonate is useful for coping with stress and anxiety as well . Without overlooking the fact that it is being used in studies with Alzheimer's patients and is giving very good results, because this mineral is easily absorbed by the brain. Hence, it can contribute to improving cognitive functions.
Magnesium taurate
People with a magnesium deficiency also resort to this supplement, in which taurine takes center stage. But also those who want to take action against their problems with hypertension, diabetes or migraines.
Likewise, it is a great ally in favor of cardiovascular health and the immune system.
Magnesium carbonate
Among the best types of magnesium that you should know is this other one, which is recommended for those who want to end their acidity and constipation problems . Although also for people who suffer from gastric ulcers, as it protects the mucous membranes from the acids that exist in the stomach.
Benefits of taking good magnesium
As you have seen, taking magnesium is a way to significantly reduce health problems of all kinds. But, as we briefly indicated in the introduction to this article, it is also suitable for allowing the body to perform different essential functions impeccably.
As if that were not enough, you should know that this mineral is responsible for offering other significant benefits, such as the following:
- It improves one's vitality , because in the metabolic process it converts fats and carbohydrates into energy. Hence, it is a great help for everyone in this sense, but especially for athletes who need to perform optimally in their different disciplines.
- It helps increase your flexibility and even avoid cramps. It achieves these two goals thanks to the fact that it controls muscle relaxation and contraction.
- Strengthens bone health and keeps it in the best condition.
- It helps keep anxiety, stress and fatigue under control. How does it do it? Neither more nor less than regulating cortisol levels.
- It keeps the teeth in perfect condition and helps the skin to be in perfect condition as well.
- Likewise, magnesium helps the body and muscles recover smoothly after considerable physical effort. And it relieves possible muscle pain and reduces possible inflammation, among other things.
And this is not all, the mineral in question is useful for women because it reduces their premenstrual symptoms and helps them prevent osteoporosis , while helping them avoid muscle cramps during pregnancy. In the case of men, it has been discovered that it can be very suitable for ending the problems of low testosterone levels.
What is the best way to take magnesium?
When choosing a type of magnesium, you must take into account, above all, what you are looking for with it. However, it must be established that the best way to take it is considered to be to opt for bisglycinate or malate .
The reason these two are the best magnesium is because the body assimilates them very well , because they have a high bioavailability and because they have a significant magnesium content. Of course, they have only one disadvantage: they are more expensive than the rest that we have presented to you.