Irritable bowel and intestinal dysbiosis: root of the epidemic
We all have a unique microbial footprint known as Microbiota or Microbiome , that bacterial ecosystem begins to form in the maternal womb.
Although we always associate the microbiota with the intestine, the reality is that it extends to the mucosa of organs such as the skin, vagina, bladder, lungs, and even the central nervous system itself. In addition, all of them are in constant dialogue, the intelligence with which we are made is incredible.
The intestinal microbiota is usually the protagonist because it is the largest and most diverse. It not only contains bacterial strains, but other microorganisms such as fungi and parasites. All of them live (or should live) in perfect harmony, without racism. It is what is called a “symbiotic” relationship , a friendly relationship.
When this relationship is altered (bad diet, abuse or misuse of antibiotics, lack of movement, stress, tobacco, environmental pollution...) that balance is undermined. Those bacteria that can attack their host will proliferate, generating dysbiosis as a defense mechanism against the threat.
The entry of pathogenic microorganisms is capable of altering our immune system by damaging the intestinal mucosa, that is, the filtering capacity of our intestine. What we know as intestinal permeability.
The mucosa controls the passage of toxins, bacteria, nutrients... Its malfunction often leads to the entry of bacteria and microorganisms that generate a state of systemic inflammation, with changes in our immune system increasing reactions to certain foods: allergies and intolerances
This dysbiosis is what causes our symptoms, which is often diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. Now the task will focus on detecting what type of imbalance we are facing, the most common is to find:
- parasites
- Fungi and yeasts (candidiasis)
- Clostridium and archaeal proliferation
Depending on whether they are in the large or small intestine, we will talk about LIBO or SIBO respectively.
How can we suspect the presence of dysbiosis?
Although there is not a single symptom and sometimes it overlaps with other day-to-day issues, the reality is that dysbiosis (microbiota imbalance) does not have to manifest itself in your digestion. You can have perfectly healthy digestions and still manifest:
- Unexplained weight gain or loss or feeling bloated
- Intolerances or allergies to multiple foods
- Floating stools or that stick to the toilet wall
- Nutritional deficits in laboratory tests (chronic anemia, folic acid, vitamin D, elevated eosinophils and basophils...)
- Depression , lack of cognitive focus, mental cloudiness
- thyroid problems
- Chronic fatigue, muscle and/or joint pain
- Frequent vaginal and urinary infections , flu...
- Dermatitis, migraines, rhinitis..
- Skin and nail fungus
- Alterations of the menstrual cycle or absence of it in women
As you can see, the rare thing today is to have a perfect balance of our microbiota. The modern lifestyle (stress, exposure to toxins, a sedentary lifestyle, the use of antibiotics, antacids...) riddle our microbial diversity and predispose to the development of pathogenic microorganisms (Candida albicans, clostridium, parasites, archaea...).
The problem is not that these microorganisms are present, the real disaster comes when they "eat" the ground of our bacteria with protective and immunomodulatory functions . That is when they can generate an imbalance in our immune system and consequently all the symptoms that we have discussed.
Therefore, if you are diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome for simply presenting symptoms, but all conventional tests are negative (colonoscopies, cultures...) do not stay with that. Today we have endless complementary tests that help us delve into the root of the problem.
Don't sit idly by!
How can we confirm your diagnosis?
- H. Pylori: The biopsy yields many false negatives, the most reliable ways are: measuring antibodies in the blood and the breath test.
- SIBO: Breath test or aspirated air to inform us of the level of hydrogen and methane produced by bacteria at the intestinal level.
- Parasites: The most reliable today is through the use of techniques such as PCR or intestinal dysbiosis test, although I often come across false positives in terms of parasitism.
- Candidiasis: Stool cultures to observe the presence of yeast, blood antibodies (IgG and IgM) against candida. It is important to do these tests in the "active" phase. If the candida is "asleep" again we will find a false negative
In Spain we usually work with a study of microbiota or dysbiosis in feces. It is an investment that is very worthwhile, it gives us quality information about the microorganisms that inhabit the person's digestive tract.
These tests help us to guide the diagnosis, but the clinic and the symptoms of the person always have the last word. Let's not forget that we find many "false negatives" (negative tests even in the presence of dysbiosis).
We don't analyze tests, we analyze people!
I hope this article helps to better understand your symptoms, and guide your own path to chronicle your health.
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See you in the next one with the different options and practical tools that we have to solve the problem.