#46- Learn to rest: Sleep is not a dispensable luxury

Rocío Périz with Jana Fernández
In the world of stress and hyperproductivity, where airplanes allow us to change time zones in less time than we need to take a walk in nature, a good night's sleep has become a rare commodity, an almost unattainable luxury.

We have invited Jana Fernández, specialist in chrono disruption, advisor and speaker on sleep hygiene, to the Podcast.

In the episode we review all the aspects that we need to know to give rest the priority it deserves and start enjoying it:

– What are we doing wrong from a socio-anthropological point of view.
– How our internal biological rhythms work.
– What processes are associated with the sleep cycle.
– Rest and immune system.
– What happens if we don't sleep?
– Tools: The 7D's and how to make your home "a dream sanctuary."

Stay with the message that sleeping better, in a crazy world, is possible and take notes from the episode.

Jana Fernández

Expert in sleep hygiene, well-being and rest, disseminator, lecturer and author of the book 'Learn to rest.' creator of the podcast on well-being and rest 'Jana Fernández's Podcast – A Guide to Live Well', and co-creator of the podcast 'No me da la vida', about women and stress (Podimo).