What are essential amino acids and what are they used for?

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In this Be Levels post we are going to tell you what essential amino acids are and what they are used for , so that you can know what their true function is in the body and how they can help you improve both your health and your well-being.
Organic compounds that are part of proteins, EAAs help the body grow, promote tissue repair, keep the brain active and are a key source of energy , promoting processes such as digestion, emotional health, calcium absorption and disease prevention.
If you want to know more, keep reading and discover what essential amino acids are .
What are essential amino acids?
Amino acids are the basic units that make up proteins , which are essential for our body to function properly, but which the body cannot produce on its own.
EAA can be obtained through diet , especially through foods such as eggs, wheat, milk, cheese, red meat, legumes, broccoli, carrots or zucchini, among many others.
Likewise, you can also resort to essential amino acid supplements , which will complement your diet and satisfy the EAA needs that cannot be obtained through food.
Within this group, there are 9 essential amino acids:
- Histidine : Contributes to the development and maintenance of healthy tissues.
- Isoleucine : Participates in blood coagulation and muscle repair.
- Leucine : Essential for muscle growth and recovery.
- Lysine : Helps in the production of collagen, vital for strong bones.
- Methionine : Powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress.
- Phenylalanine : Promotes the production of hormones related to relaxation and well-being.
- Threonine : Involved in the formation of bone and cartilage.
- Tryptophan : Participates in the production of serotonin and in the regulation of sleep.
- Valine : Prevents muscle breakdown and helps eliminate excess protein from the liver.
When a food contains all 9 essential amino acids, it is considered a complete protein.
What are essential amino acids for?
Now that we know what they are, let's see what essential amino acids are used for , the daily consumption of which is crucial for the proper functioning of the body.
It has been proven that a balanced diet that includes an adequate amount of EAA ensures a better quality of life . Therefore, those who opt for vegan or vegetarian diets should pay attention to their consumption to avoid significant deficiencies, consulting a nutritionist if necessary.
And when there is a lack of essential amino acids, various problems can appear, such as:
- Alterations in the nervous system.
- Problems in the locomotor system and increased risk of muscle injuries.
- Difficulties in wound healing.
- Slower muscle recovery.
- Alterations in macronutrient metabolism.
To avoid these problems, it is essential to eat a balanced diet , exercise regularly and seek professional support if symptoms of deficiency are observed.
Likewise, if you cannot meet all your needs with food, either because you do not follow an adequate diet or because you do high-intensity exercise, you can consume essential amino acids in the form of supplements , at any time of the day, keeping in mind that they should be taken as a supplement and not as a meal replacement.
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If you want to enjoy all the benefits of essential amino acids, ACE Aminolytes from Be Levels is a complete nutritional supplement, designed to improve performance, recovery and hydration, especially in endurance and intensity sports.
ACE Aminolytes combines essential BCAAs with a high concentration of leucine, Creapure® creatine and minerals in optimal proportions , promoting efficient hydration thanks to its 4:2:1 balance of sodium, potassium and magnesium, eliminating the need for external electrolytes.
It can be taken pre-workout , mixing 16 g with water about 30-45 minutes before training, or intra-workout , taking another dose during long-duration activities to maintain energy and avoid cramps or fatigue.
If you want to know which are the best essential amino acids, visit this link .