What is the best hydrolyzed collagen on the market?

Estimated read time: 5,6 minutes.
If you are concerned about the condition of your skin and even your bones , you should know that A great ally to take care of them is collagen , a protein that our body produces naturally and is really important.
However, although it is produced naturally in our body, collagen can also be found hydrolyzed, in the form of a supplement , the consumption of which is highly recommended when reaching a certain age, given that its production decreases as we get older and, therefore, it is required to provide it to the body in a complementary way.
But what is the best hydrolyzed collagen on the market?
If you have looked around the market, you will have seen that there are countless options to choose from , and not all of them are equally effective or safe.
Aware of this, in this article, we are going to try to help you find the best hydrolyzed collagen for skin and joints in supplement form . So if you want to keep your skin and bone health in perfect condition, take note because the information we are going to give you is what will be crucial for you to choose which collagen to buy .
First of all, what is collagen and what types are there?
To understand the concepts clearly, it is necessary to determine that collagen is a protein that our body produces and that performs a really important function . Exactly, it is responsible for maintaining the tissue structures that we have in our body, such as joints, bones, muscles, teeth, skin, blood vessels...
In addition, we cannot overlook the fact that it provides hydration , delays sagging skin and even combats aging.
There are a total of twenty different types of collagen , although there are several that are especially important or that are the best known. This would be the case, for example, of type I , which is present in the skin and is the most numerous. In this case, it is important because it provides elasticity as well as resistance.
Type II , which is present in cartilage and joints , is also one of the most significant. Its job, specifically, is to lubricate tissues and coat the aforementioned joints, for example.
Also of importance are type III , which is found in blood vessels, intestines and muscles, and type IV , which is found in the eyes and capillaries in addition to vessels.
And, when we talk about hydrolyzed collagen , we are referring to a form of collagen that has undergone a process of breakdown into smaller molecules, called hydrolyzation , which makes it easier for the body to absorb.
The best hydrolyzed collagen: these are the different sources of origin
As we have indicated, from the age of 30, natural collagen production begins to decrease , making it important to take the best hydrolyzed collagen to maintain adequate levels of this protein at all times.
Likewise, a hydrolyzed collagen supplement is also a good option for those who have suffered an injury , as well as for those who suffer from obesity and even for those who regularly practice sports.
For any of these people, it is important to know that there are different types of collagen on the market depending on its origin , as well as many collagen-rich foods that can be taken.
Thus, there are the following types of collagen :
Chicken collagen
This is type II and is obtained from the skin and bones of the aforementioned animal . It is not considered one of the best collagens because it may contain contaminants and because chickens are often raised on mass farms where their diet is not particularly cared for.
Marine collagen
It is type I and is extracted from the bones and skin of fish . It has the advantage of being sustainable and providing a good dose of collagen. In addition, it is remarkably rich in amino acids.
Egg collagen
As its name suggests, it is obtained from the egg, specifically the yolk and the shell . It is basically type I, although it can include type III and IV, among others.
In this case, it is interesting to know that it has the same disadvantage as that indicated for chicken collagen. Hence, it is not the best hydrolyzed collagen either.
Porcine or bovine collagen
Finally, there is this other collagen, which is usually of type I and type III. It is obtained from the waste of cows and pigs , such as cartilage, bones and skin.
Although it is a good option, the disadvantage is that it is not the most present on the market , since some of these wastes are used to manufacture a wide variety of products.
How to choose the best hydrolyzed collagen on the market?
Now that we have revealed important details about this protein, it is time to discover how to select the best hydrolyzed collagen from the market .
We want to emphasize that the best collagen supplement should be hydrolyzed , basically because, as we have already mentioned above, its absorption will be much better.
Well, you have to choose one taking into account these considerations:
- If you are most concerned about your skin, you should opt for type I. Also, you should know that marine collagen, after several studies, has been determined to be the most recommended for caring for the skin and bones.
- If you are interested in protecting and looking after your joints, you should opt for a native type II. This will strengthen them, protect them from impacts and also ensure that the cartilage degrades much more slowly.
And, of course, when choosing the best hydrolyzed collagen supplement you should opt for one whose quality and safety are certified, such as our Be Levels collagen , a food supplement that, in addition to hydrolyzed collagen, contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.
Be Levels is considered the best brand of hydrolyzed collagen by important faces such as Dr. Abellán , who praises how our supplement helped him recover more quickly and effectively from a lumbar injury.
This is a hydrolyzed collagen supplement that will help your body fight the signs of aging , strengthening joints and ligaments, reducing wrinkles and improving the elasticity, health and firmness of your skin.
Complete and effective, of porcine origin, easy to digest and absorb, and reinforced with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, if you are looking for the best hydrolyzed collagen, try Collagen by Be Levels . It will strengthen your bones and joints, help you prevent and combat the signs of aging, and contribute to the growth of nails and hair.