Our Chill Mood... Now more Chill!

Jon Prada
Frame 1

Estimated read time: 3,6 minutes.

  • Greater sleeping and relaxing effect
  • Goodbye to intermittent diarrhea
  • No small nocturnal activations of the nervous system ...
These are three of the benefits that we add to your daily life thanks to the new reformulation of the most 'chill' product from Be levels... Our Chill Mood has been newly formulated with the aim of enhancing its benefits and offering you a supplement of ten whose intake does not cause side effects and undoubtedly improves our rest and health. And it is that, by collecting the opinion of some of you, you have transferred certain small alterations after its intake. Thanks to the fact that thousands of you have trusted Chill Mood, we know that even in a few people, all of #Belever deserves our maximum attention and affection and, without a doubt, that makes us be transparent with all of you and actively improve the composition of our products for your integral well-being . For this reason, today we want to tell you about the changes that our formulators have introduced to Chill Mood.


Now our product contains more glycine , a relaxing molecule for the nervous system that acts in symbiosis with Magnesium on GABA-A receptors, inhibiting the hyper-exciting activity of Glutamate, and also inhibiting its action on NMDA receptors. This increase allows us to enhance the sleeping and relaxing effect , so that we will feel much more 'chill'.


The previous version of Chill Mood contained Magnesium Citrate which, although it is generally well absorbed, scientific evidence has shown that Magnesium Bisglycinate has better absorption in the brain . And this is not all, Magnesium provides L-glycine, and Bisglycinate is composed of two glycine molecules, so that its relaxing action becomes more powerful . In addition, what has raised our alarms has been that Magnesium Citrate has produced sporadic diarrhea in some of our #Belevers, so that, taking this situation into account, we have decided to replace Citrate with Bisglycinate , reversing the problem and promoting more even its profits. As you can see, we like to be transparent with all of you and we will not stop improving our products based on your circumstances and needs.


Reflecting our active listening to continue growing and improving, it is our commitment to withdraw the intake of B12 and replace it with B6 . The reason for this change? The intake of B12 at night has caused some of you a slight activation of the nervous system , so that this has led us to replace it with B6 , a vitamin that is necessary, together with magnesium, for the metabolization of tryptophan to serotonin and melatonin, thus enhancing the improvement of our mood , emotional state , and, without a doubt, quality of sleep .


We have replaced the 5-HTP that the old version of Chill Mood contained with L-tryptophan . 5-HTP has been withdrawn from the European market as a supplement due to recent changes in legislation , so we have been forced to replace it with L-tryptophan , an essential amino acid that our body cannot produce autonomously and that needs to be obtained through through diet or supplementation. L-tryptophan is the precursor of 5-HTP, and it will produce similar effects, in this case, boosting the production of serotonin and melatonin , a neuroprotective molecule and precursor of valentonin, the sleep hormones . As you have been able to verify, there are four changes that we have introduced to our Chill Mood in favor of continuous improvement and satisfaction of your needs . In addition, in relation to a request that a sports client has made to us this week, we want to value his feedback and show you what our perfect combo is for an excellent recovery , because in the words of our #Belever... ' How to deactivate ourselves is also important, there are times when we have to train late and there is no way to sleep '. Now all that remains is for you to check these gains in your body! Thank you #Belevers for trusting us and giving us the opportunity to grow, add and heal... TOGETHER!