
CBD, what is it and what is it for?

Rocío Périz

For some time now, surely you have heard more and more about CBD or cannabidiol , but you do not know what it is...


Recommendations to prepare your body for a pregnancy

Rocío Périz

You are clear that the time has come to take the important step of being a mother. You dream of reaching this goal and...

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We enrich our Fem Balance for your physical and emotional well-being

Leticia Bustos

Beneficial improvement of our insulin resistance and regulation of estrogen synthesis in women to alleviate the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome. These are the two main additional improvements that you will notice thanks to the reformulation of our Fem Balance

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We are present at the II Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics in Terrassa!

Jon Prada

We have had the luxury of being able to attend a conference full of female empowerment where the main gynecological disorders in adolescent women and their way of fully addressing them have been discussed...


What are the foods richest in vitamin B?

Rocío Périz

We are increasingly aware of the importance of the presence of vitamin B in our body. The fact that concern for health and our...


Best supplements to improve energy naturally

Endika Montiel

Feeling exhausted, without 'batteries' to be able to face the working day or having fatigue are sensations that we have all felt at some...